Scott Mackenthun’s family grew by one teenager last year when he and his wife, Jackie, and their two daughters, Quinn and Cora, hosted German exchange student Marisa Doddo. As Scott gained another “daughter,” another father, an ocean away, let go of his. Marisa’s dad, Daniel, knew the exchange student experience would be a “valuable part of her life.” After ten months apart, Marisa’s joyous reunion with her dad will be on display this Father’s Day weekend at Holy Trinity as they provide the Musical Offering on Sunday during worship.

Scott agrees the early placement was crucial to a successful experience for everyone. “Jackie and I knew what we were signing up for since host parents receive a portfolio of the prospective student, including her academic transcripts. For more than half a year, we used Zoom to connect with Marisa and her family before she arrived. In short, we knew we were getting a bright young lady who liked music, was dedicated to her church, and wanted to learn and experience a new culture. It was an easy decision to host her.” Marisa arrived on August 20, 2022, and Scott made sure she felt a part of the Mackenthun family by giving her a nickname. “Everyone at our house has a nickname (I do the naming), so Marisa became ‘Mar-Bear.’ I quizzed her on American stereotypes – fast food and diet, sports obsession, guns, patriotism, Hollywood, and cultural influence. I quizzed her on translations, using Google Translate along the way, something she’ll never forget or stop laughing about.”
While Scott was making Marisa part of his family, Daniel was coping with her absence in his. He reflects, “I liked the idea of Marisa going to the U.S. for an exchange year from the beginning. However, I let Marisa go with mixed feelings. 15-years-old is relatively young, and the pain of parting hit me more than I expected. I thought I was well prepared for the situation, but saying goodbye came faster and harder than expected. I really struggled the first two days. But I learned to deal with it with God’s help and grace. After a few days, I felt a lot better – thanks to video calls!”

Ten months of experiences, and a lifetime of memories. Scott, a Fisheries Biologist with the MN Department of Natural Resources, sums up what it was like to have an extra daughter, “As we near the end of our experience, we’re grateful for the chance to have spent time together and for creating lasting relationships with another family abroad. We’re making the most of our final weeks together, and trying to let ‘Mar-Bear’ and her family experience the best part of living in Minnesota – the summers! I’m certainly going to make sure she gets some final fishing in as well – something she had never done before she came here. Marisa likes the fish eating, and now she likes the fish-catching component, too.”
Daniel agrees, saying, “I’m excited to see Marisa again and to meet her host family and friends.” Jackie adds, “We have many fun things planned: Eve of Destruction in Elko (new for all of us!), Valleyfair, MOA, and an archery event with Scheels.” Marisa’s mom (a teacher) and brother arrive on June 22 after their school finishes. “We plan to take them to the candy store in Jordan and probably a dinner at Fogo de Chao as they don’t have any Mexican or South American food in Germany,” Jackie states. The Doddo family will leave New Prague on Sunday, June 25, and travel around the western U.S. for three weeks before returning to Germany in July.
All are welcome to worship this Sunday at 9 am to celebrate fathers of all kinds. Marisa and her dad will sing “Above All/All in All” for the Musical Offering. You won’t want to miss it! (Don’t forget your tissues.)