COVID – 19 Updates

Learn all of the COVID-19 updates regarding risk management decisions, worship and HTLC programming.
March 12, 2022
Greetings Holy Trinity!
We are so happy to announce the updated recommendations by the Risk Management Team.  With COVID numbers dropping significantly and our local counties being in the green, per CDC, we are happy to share that we can get back to as normal as possible at this time.
Masks: OPTIONAL. *We will support all who choose to continue to mask when not required. Masks recommended for the unvaccinated.
Choir/Musicians: Practices continue on Sundays, 8 am (singing in church Holy Week). *Masks optional for musicians.
Hospitality: Food served “cafeteria-style” by the Hospitality Team (as done pre-pandemic). Gloves when serving.
Illness: Stay home/participate virtually if you or someone in your household is sick (regardless of the sickness), following the CDC recommendations for quarantine & Isolation related to COVID-19.
Worship: In-person & Online worship options continue.
God’s blessings,
Jackie Mackenthun (Council President)
Pastors Alicia and Ben Hilding (Co-Pastors)